Sunday, 4 January 2015

Website research: Chair painters and Pintrest
Pinterest inspired my gallery page for my wordpress website, due to the images of the artwork being in a grid system like order, which was easy to navigate. This research also gave me a look into artist's that linked to my art practice.
Researching into paintings of chairs took me to Pinterest, a website useds for collecting and showing images, artists that took my interest included Julie ford Oliver, Christos Tsimaris, Fred Salmon, Jason Bowyer and Amy Dixon (shown in order below)
Focusing on the colour of the chair and how that can show value and importance, maybe even portraiture, these paintings show large amounts of paint texture and marking techniques of paint, giving more focus to the chair in Julie Ford Olivers case, as she paints by days, creating a moment and linking to experience.
another artist who focuses on lighting to bring out colours and textures in the paint is Fred Salmon, who creates light that is reflected or shown through an object, which can't be seen. For example in the painting above a plant, a tree. Creating a feeling of a moment, environment or even time passing, while giving focus to the chairs and green shutters.
Linking to Fred Salmons work, Jason Bowyer also shows how light can be used to bring attention to an object, in this case a stool. Bowyer paints ligjt coming from the window, using textured oil paints and large brush strokes, compared to the more detailed brush strokes of the plant and stool.
Amy Dixon paints with both large textured brush strokes and tones of red, which are successful in bringing out detail to the painting. Showing importance and a moment in time, which i was highly inspired by Dixon states that "The work is about colour and a response to the world, inspiration is drawn from paying attention to the moment" This stands true in my work and her own, linking back to Avigdor Arikha's paintings which embrace the value and importance of the moment.

Amy Dixon's website
I took influence from Amy Dixon's website for my own, this was due to the way her website followed, being easy to navigate due to the tool bar at the top of the page. Taking me to the place I wanted to go and being highly visible. A charateristic I took into account when planning my own. This was also the case for her gallery, letting the viewer link on the links they wanted easily to get a bigger picture of her paintings.

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